February 17, 2008

February "Come and Pray" Retreat

Five men ranging from ages 20-25 attended our February "Come and Pray" Retreat held at the Archabbey. I do not think I would be exaggerating to say that both the retreatants and monks had a wonderful and prayerful weekend. The Archabbey vocation office offers a variety of retreats and opportunities to experience Benedictine life here at America's first Benedictine Monastery including a chance for you to design your own monastic experience. Please contact Father Fred for more information. Also, our vocation website is constantly updated with information regarding upcoming retreats. Check out this link to our site: Upcoming Retreats. Posing in front of the statue of St. Boniface with the retreatants are Archabbey vocation director Fr. Fred Byrne, O.S.B. and Br. Gabriel Myriam Kurzawski.