February 21, 2008

More Happy Monks!!!

Br. Maximilian and a Vocation Guest at Lunch

Father Brian, O.S.B. coming up from the tomb of St. Benedict at Monte Cassino
Fr. Jacques De Paul, O.S.B. enjoying our Christmas dinner (watch for Father on EWTN!!!)
Our wonderful Novice Master, Fr. Sebastian, O.S.B.

Impressions of a "Come and Pray" Retreatant

Please read this great letter I received from one of the young men who just attended our Monastic Discernment Weekend:

God bless Father Fred!

Hey, guess what--I was telling my friend at lunch today what an awesome experience I had at St. Vincent. The introverted and isolated part of me is diminishing as the fire that was stoked within me Saturday night continues to consume me. I told him about everything--Lectio, Vespers, adoration in the morning, what the monks were like, I couldn't cover everything of course, but it turns out that he has also been struggling with ideas of religious life or priesthood. He started telling me this and I said "Dude, you have to talk to Father Fred." You may see him at the next come and see weekend.

I wish I could be telling you this in person, because I am very excited that God's present in my life and in those around me and I am seeing Him greater and greater.

See you later,
A discerner

(God Bless you, my friend, and thank you for your beautiful and kind words, be assured of our prayers for you and all men discerning a call to the priesthood and or religious life) - Fr. Fred, O.S.B.