February 24, 2008

Clip of our Br. Elijah, O.S.B. performing live on EWTN!!!

Click here for the live performance of Br. Elijah, O.S.B. during the live broadcast of the International Mother Teresa Conference which was held at St. Vincent.

Homily by our Archabbot on the occasion of the transitus of our Holy Father St. Benedict

Father Archabbot Douglas, O.S.B. with our beloved Sisters (the nuns of St. Emma's Monastery) Click here for more information on the Benedictine Nuns.

Spiritual Wisdom from our spiritual Father (a great video for any discerning a religious vocation) Click here!!!

Monastic Tradition

Check out this great video about making Monk Bread at St. Vincent Archabbey. (Click here)
 Fr. Shawn Matthew, O.S.B. kneeing the dough

Br. Patrick, O.S.B. (monk of Newark Abbey) and Fr. Shawn Matthew laying out the dough