February 29, 2008

What do Monks do?

One of the questions we get asked is, "What do monks do?" The simple answer is that we pray and we work. This means that our day begins with prayer, we pray throughout the day, and our day ends with prayer. Through our prayer life we are able to serve the people of God in a variety of ways but our service is nothing without the power of surrender to God our Father in our prayer. Recently, (you may have seen this in our blog) Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B. and Father Shawn Matthew Anderson, O.S.B. welcomed The Kings Men to St. Vincent College to speak with our students and to protest a local pornography store located close to our Campus. One of our students, Gabe Jakubisin, wrote about this experience in his St. Vincent College Blog. I invite you to read this devout young man's experience of standing up for the most vulnerable of our society. Click Here.

Lenten Reflection

For monks it is important to keep the Passion of our Lord ever before our eyes and to meditate on the suffering He endured to redeem us from our sins. Our Novice Brothers wanted to provide all you men discerning a vocation an opportunity to pray with them during this most Holy time of Lent.

Click here to pray the Stations of the Cross with the Brothers, Great job guys!

Great Vocation Resource

Brad and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, (The ordinary of the Diocese of Raleigh)

Check out this great blog by out friend Mr. Brad Watkins who is the assistant to the director of vocations for the Diocese of Raleigh, thanks again Brad for adding us to your wonderful blog! Your in our prayers.
Click here!!!