July 12, 2008

A Brief Refelection the Night Before Investiture

The following was written on July 9th, 2008 by one of our new Novices as he prepared to receive the holy habit of our order and enter the Benedictine novitiate.

"One can prepare, and prepare, and prepare all he wants to, but one is never quite ready for some events" This piece of wisdom used to annoy me greatly. I thought it was false in most, if not all, instances; however, as I sit here about to be invested in my habit and truly begin my novitiate at Saint Vincent Archabbey, I think, for the big moments in life, we are never quite ready. It seems there is always a little discomfort and a little doubt - and this is intentional. God keeps us little and humble by reminding us how dependent we are upon Him.

My vocation has been confirmed through signs and wonders. I have been abundantly blessed in my preparation for this moment. Yet, despite all of this, I feel unready; but i don't think anything could make me ready. Everything I have endured and experienced in twenty years of living have prepared me for this moment and I simply trust that Our Lady, who holds my poor and miserable heart in her own, will act powerfully through me in my new life as a Benedictine monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey. Totus Tuus Maria!!!