July 17, 2008

World Youth Day in FULL SWING!!!

Check out this awesome Homily by our wonderful Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the pilgrims at World Youth Day in Australia. Please continue to pray for the pilgrims and for our Holy Father...Viva Papa!!!

Brothers visit with Francis Cardinal Arinze!!!

Br. Elijah and Nathanael are all ears as the Cardinal speaks about the Catholic Family.
Myself (Br. Gabriel Myriam, O.S.B., Br. Elijah, O.S.B., Br. Nathanael, O.S.B. and Br. Maximilan, O.S.B. pose for a picture)
Br. Elijah, O.S.B. and Br. Nathanael, O.S.B. on beautiful Mt. Washington overlooking the city of Pittsburgh.
Four of the junior monks (Br. Nathanael, Br. Elijah, Br. Maximilan, and myself - Br. Gabriel Myriam) had the opportunity to attend the Catholic Family Apostolate's 2008 dinner which honored the 50th priestly jubilee of Francis Cardinal Arinze. The event was held in Pittsburgh and the brothers were extremely excited to have the opportunity to speak with and receive the blessing of the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The Cardinal is good friends with our Archabbot and has been a visitor to the Archabbey on a number of occasions. Congratulations Your Eminence.

Father Archabbot and the Cardinal during one of his visits to the Archabbey

The Cardinal celebrating Mass at the Archabbey Basilica

Investiture 2008 - New Novices!!!

We intend to establish a school for the Lord's service (RB Prologue)
The same set of scissors Archabbot Boniface Wimmer used to tonsure the first American Benedictine Novices in 1846.
New habits waiting for new brothers to wear them!!!
The new habits and the Holy Rule of our Holy Father St. Benedict prior to investiture
(L-R)Peter (now Brother Pio), Scott (now Br. Albert), and Ryan (now Br. John Paul) prayerfully wait for vigils

We also accept them...Thanks be to God.
Father Archabbot instructing the new Novices and giving them their monastic names: Br. John Paul, Br. Isidore, Br. Albert, Fr. Jean Luc, Br. Pio
Br. Albert receives the Monastic Tonsure which reminds him of his consecration to God Almighty and his renunciation of worldly ways
(L-R) Br. John Paul, Br. Albert, and Br. Pio receive the holy habit of our order.
Br. Albert is invested in the cincture and scapular. The Brothers will not receive the monastic cowl until first profession - the cowl signifies that the monk is completely covered and consecrated, by his vows, to Jesus Christ
Br. John Paul is invested in the Scapular
Father Sebastian Samay, O.S.B. (Novice Master) presents the new brothers with a copy of the Holy Rule which they will study for a year in preparation for first profession.
Pax et Gaudium!!! Fr. Jean Luc receives the Benedictine Pax from Br. Sub-prior Anthony
First day on the job...the novices serve the community breakfast following their investiture.
The 2008-09 St. Vincent Archabbey Novitiate Class (L-R) Br. Albert, n.O.S.B., Br. Pio, n.O.S.B., Br. Isidore, n.O.S.B., Br. John Paul, n.O.S.B., Fr. Jean Luc, n.O.S.B....please pray for these brothers that they will persevere in their prayer and truly find be attentive to the Lord's voice.