March 31, 2009

4 St. Vincent Monks Installed Lectors!!!

Taking part in the installation to ministry of reader, held March 16 at Saint Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, were, from left, Rev. David Brzoska, Seminary Vice Rector; Nathanael Polinski, O.S.B., and Gabriel Myriam Kurzawski, O.S.B., Saint Vincent Archabbey, who were installed; Most Rev. Joseph V. Adamec, Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown, installing prelate; Francis Ehnat, O.S.B., and Elijah Cirigliano, O.S.B., Saint Vincent Archabbey, who were installed; and Very Rev. Justin Matro, O.S.B., Seminary Rector.
The Bishop processing into the Basilica (Fr. Brian Boosel, OSB - in surplice and stole serves as Master of Ceremonies)
Bishop Adamec delivers the homily