May 21, 2009

A few Pics.

Here are a few pictures of our Father Joseph's, O.S.B. ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
Archabbot Douglas, Bishop Brandt, and the newly ordained Father Joseph, O.S.B.
Father Joseph, O.S.B. processes out of the Basilica
The Celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist
Father Joseph, O.S.B. and Archabbot Douglas exchange the sign of peace to Father Joseph's family
Archabbot Douglas congratulates Father Joseph, O.S.B.
Bishop Brandt lays hands on Father Joseph, O.S.B.
Father Joseph, O.S.B. poses with his classmates and friends, Deacons Michael Zavage and Daniel Langa of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.  Deacons Mike and Dan will be ordained to the Holy Priesthood on June 27, 2009 at St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh for the Diocese of Pittsburgh.  Please pray for these three young and zealous men of God.