June 9, 2009

Friar Retreat

Father Boniface, OSB and Br. Gabriel Myriam, OSB teamed up to give the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal a few days of Recollection on Monastic Life at the friar's Novitiate in Newark, NJ.  Presently, the friars have 17 great novices and both Father Boniface and Br. Gabriel enjoyed sharing aspects of their monastic life here at St. Vincent Archabbey with these zealous young men.  Here are a few pictures from the trip.
Father Boniface celebrated Mass for the friars on Friday, the feast of his patron, St. Boniface.
Father Boniface and Br. Gabriel Myriam instructing the friars.
Father Boniface and Br. Gabriel Myriam pose with Father Glenn Sudano, CFR (Novice Master) and friend of many of the monks at St. Vincent.  Father Glenn is celebrating 25 years as a priest this year, may God grant him many more fruitful years in the Lord's service. 
To conclude, please remember all novices in your prayers, especially the Friars of the Renewal and our Novices here at St. Vincent who will be professing their first vows in just about a month on July 10, 2009. Also please continue to pray for vocations, especially for vocations to the monastic way of life.