September 17, 2009

Please pray for our young monks, novices, and postulants!!!

Saint Vincent Archabbey has been blessed with 15 Vocations over the past 3 years, please pray for these young men as they continue to discern their call and seek to serve the Lord Jesus  authentically as monks under the guidance of our Holy Father St. Benedict.

Look for the Monks at Franciscan University, Steubenville (Friday, September 18)

STEUBENVILLE, OH—Franciscan University of Steubenville will host its 10th annual Religious Vocations Awareness Day on Friday, September 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Finnegan Fieldhouse.
The event, one of the largest vocation fairs in the country, is free of charge, and the public is encouraged to attend.
More than 70 religious communities and dioceses from across the United States will be present. At last year’s Vocations Awareness Day, more than 1,000 attendees strolled through aisles filled with videos, posters, religious music, and vocation directors willing to answer questions about their individual communities and their charisms.Franciscan’s Pre-Theologate Program and Chapel Ministries will sponsor both the fair and the Mass at 4:45 p.m. in Christ the King Chapel for those discerning consecrated life.
This year’s fair is being held during the Year for Priests proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. Pre-Theologate Program director Father Ken Cienik, SA, says the Year for Priests will continue to be a theme for religious formation throughout the year, and expects many exhibitors to share the Year for Priests theme at the fair as well.“It will offer all students a greater perspective on religious life and ordained ministry,” Father Cienik says, adding that he encourages everyone to attend the fair, even those not directly looking into religious life. “It is good for all Catholics to meet religious… [And] many orders may also have lay affiliates.”
For more information, call 740-283-6495 or