December 7, 2009

So I am coming to the Monastery (what should I wear?)

One of the most common questions men ask us as the date for their visit approaches is, "What do I need to bring?"  Here is a small list for all vocation visitors coming to the Archabbey:

1) 1 or 2 pairs of nice pants (khaki's or dress slacks) for times in the Basilica Church and in the monastic refectory. Also, please bring a pair of dress shoes and socks

2) At least one dress shirt and tie (if your visit is over a weekend and you are attending the Sunday Monastic Mass)

3) Appropriate number of nice shirts (golf shirts, button downs) or sweaters (depending on the time of year) for the daily Monastic Mass and Office

4) A pair of jeans, a t-shirt / sweatshirt (depending on the time of year) and work shoes for work periods with the brothers

5) Also, please bring some comfortable clothing for recreation periods with the brothers (there is usually time for sports during the week or the gym)

6) Essential toiletries (razor, shampoo, toothbrush an toothpaste, etc.)

7) Your rosary and a good book for spiritual reading during your time at the Monastery
Soap, towels, pillows, and blankets are all provided for your visit and the monastery does its best to provide anything you may have forgotten.
 “Whenever I look within myself, I am lost in the complexities of self-love, and the suffering caused thereby is fruitless. If I spend myself on others, they only lead me back to myself by the vicious circle of my passions. The soul that waits on God, patiently and unhurriedly, receives on the contrary the simple assurance that it is infinitely loved; and with that answer comes a call to love with all one’s strength here and now . . . the right we reserve to retain our self-love up to a certain point as we say, acts like a poison in the soul, whilst to give all raises it to breathe freely the air of the heights . . . The way of love, above all the way of contemplation is not an easy one. It calls for the total gift of self. But neither is it strictly speaking difficult, since it has marvelous advantages and the divine prerogative of simplicity.” A Carthusian

Catholic Apologetics

Ever been asked to explain the Immaculate Conception or the Assumption?  Click here for a great link regarding these topics.