May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Let us always remember the men and women who serve and have served in our nations armed forces.  Here is a interesting video on the origins of Taps.

But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate — we cannot consecrate — we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled, here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
~ Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, 1863

“The purpose of all war is peace.” – St. Augustine

Our Brother Bonaventure becomes a Father again!!!

Father Archabbot Douglas poses with our Bishop Lawrence Brandt and our Father Bonaventure, OSB  

Father Bonaventure poses with his three daughters after the ordination

May 28, 2010

Scott Hahn 2010 Summer Conference at St. Vincent

Priests, deacons and seminarians are invited to spend four days reflecting on the “Gospel & Sacraments: Reading and Proclaming the Gospel of John,” with Dr. Scott Hahn, June 14-18, 2010 on the grounds of Saint Vincent Archabbey and Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Dr. Hahn will once again be joined by other noted scholars, including Dr. Brant Pitre of Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, and Dr. John Bergsma of Franciscan University of Steubenville. The days will be filled with discovery, in a leisurely, but stimulating environment. It’s an opportunity for clergy to contemplate the Scriptures more deeply—for prayer, for preaching, and for understanding.

Brother Bonaventure Curtis, O.S.B., To Be Ordained To Priesthood On May 29, 2010

Brother Bonaventure Curtis, O.S.B., a native of southern California, will be ordained to the priesthood at Saint Vincent Archabbey by Most Rev. Lawrence E. Brandt, J.C.D., Ph.D., Bishop of Greensburg, on Saturday, May 29, 2010. Brother Bonaventure was raised in Minneapolis, MN and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1970, majoring in English and Secondary Education. He taught senior English at Coon Rapids Senior High School for two years before returning to southern California in 1972.

After successful business ventures in insurance and donut shops, he entered Western State University / Thomas Jefferson College of Law, San Diego, in the Fall of 1975 and completed his studies for the Juris Doctorate degree in December of 1977. He was admitted to the State of California Bar Association the following year and practiced law continuously thereafter, including nearly ten years of daily civil litigation practice in the areas of general business and corporate securities matters. During his law practice he was also Chief Executive of one of the nation's largest travel agency concerns and became an expert in the field of franchise law. In the last 15 years of his practice, he focused on contracts, generally in the entertainment industry. He began studies at Saint Vincent Seminary in 2005, following his profession of simple vows as a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey. His parents, John and Vera Curtis, are both deceased, but were long-time residents of Coronado, California. His sister, a resident of Los Angeles since 1962, is Loretta Roberson. His wife, Roswitha, originally from Innsbruck, Austria, died from cancer in 2000. She was survived by their three daughters, who were raised and continue to live in San Diego: Christina is a first grade teacher at Clearview Elementary School, Chula Vista (a charter school); Stephanie Anne is a CPA and department supervisor at Cubic Corporation, a military-industrial giant headquartered in San Diego; and Katherine Rose is a registered nurse at Mercy Hospital in San Diego.

He entered the novitiate at St. Vincent on July 1, 2004, made simple profession of monastic vows on July 10, 2005, and solemn profession of vows on July 11, 2008. He was ordained to the diaconate on May 30, 2009 by Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt of Greensburg in the Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica. He will be ordained to the priesthood on May 29, 2010. He earned the master of divinity degree from Saint Vincent Seminary in 2010, with highest honors. He received the Omer U. Kline, O.S.B., Homiletics Award, given by the Rector’s Council to the fourth-year student who has most clearly demonstrated excellence in preaching during his fourth year of study.

Brother Bonaventure has served as an assistant in the Archabbot’s Office (2005-2007), and was named assistant director of Archabbey vocations (2005-2009). While a full-time seminary student, he also taught Language Rhetoric, Business Law, and Introduction to Marketing classes as a member of the faculty of Saint Vincent College from 2005-present. In 2009 he was named secretary to the monastic chapter and the Council of Seniors, a development consultant for Benedictine Military School, Savannah, and acting executive director of the Saint Vincent Summer Theater.

May 21, 2010

Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost

On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses, I offer myself soul and body to Thee, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Thy purity, the unerring keenness of Thy justice, and the might of Thy love. Thou art the Strength and Light of my soul. In Thee I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve Thee by unfaithfulness to grace, and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against Thee. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Thy light and listen to Thy voice and follow Thy gracious inspirations. I cling to Thee and give myself to Thee and ask Thee by Thy compassion to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart, I implore Thee Adorable Spirit, helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Thy grace that I may never sin against Thee. Give me grace O Holy Ghost, Spirit of the Father and the Son, to say to Thee always and everywhere, Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth. Amen.

May 17, 2010

Community Picture 2010

Please continue to pray for Archabbot Douglas and our community that we may continue to seek holiness and stay true to Holy Mother Church and her teachings.  May our Lord Jesus Christ be with us and may his holy Mother intercede for us.

May 12, 2010

Habemus Abbatem!

With joy and thanksgiving to God our Father, the monks of St. Vincent Archabbey announce the re-election of their brother in Christ, Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, O.S.B., as Archabbot on May 11, 2010. May the Lord God, through the intercession of our Holy Father St. Benedict strengthen him and bless him with good health and sound leadership in the years to come!