Help Wanted!!!

The monks of St. Vincent Archabbey are looking to restore many of our older vestments as well as other liturgical items so that they may both be used and preserved for future generations of monks and the faithful to enjoy and appreciate.  We are also asking for donations to help purchase a Ombrellino (Umbrella) and Papal Tintinnabulum (Bell) for our Archabbey Basilica.   Anyone willing to help donate to this worthy cause is asked to e-mail Br. Gabriel Myriam, OSB or contact him at (724) 532 -6749.  Thank you.

 One of our historic roman chasubles in need of repair
Historic cope matching the above chasuble

The Ombrellino is a historic piece of the papal regalia and insignia, once used on a daily basis to provide shade for the pope. In modern usage, the Ombrellino is a symbol of the Roman Catholic Church and the authority of a pope over it and the Eastern Rite. It is found in the contemporary Church at all the basilicas throughout the world, placed prominently at the right of their main altars. Whenever a pope visits a basilica, its Ormbrellino is opened.

Translated from the Latin language into the Italian language, it is known as an ombrellino or in the English language as an umbrella. It is shaped as a canopy with broad alternating gold and red stripes, the traditional colors of the pontificate. It also featured a staff with small bells. It often chimed to announce the arrival of a pope travelling by horse and carriage. Pope Alexander VI was the first pope to use the ombrellino as a symbol of the temporal powers of the papacy; royalty during those days always walked outdoors under a canopy. A member of the Papal Gentlemen would often follow behind a pope with the ombrellino in hand.

The tintinnabulum is a bell which had the practical function of alerting the people to the approach of the Holy Father during papal processions through the streets of Rome.