October 22, 2010

Monk Art Show at St. Vincent

Artisans of the Monastery Exhibit October 21 to November 6 at Saint Vincent Gristmill

Saint Vincent Gristmill Museum, Beatty Road, Unity Township, will host an exhibit, “Artisans of the Monastery,” October 21 through November 6. The show will feature multimedia art by monks of Saint Vincent Archabbey. 

The exhibit will feature artwork including painting, stained glass, hand weaving, calligraphy and bookbinding. Among those participating are Father Sebastian Samay, O.S.B., Father Thomas More Sikora, O.S.B., Brother Mark Floreanini, O.S.B., Brother Michael Antonacci, O.S.B., Brother Albert Gahr, O.S.B., and Brother Isaac Hayweiser, O.S.B.

Their pieces, along with others by monks of Saint Vincent Monastery, will be on display. Some items will be for sale.

Father Sebastian A. Samay, O.S.B., a native of Pécöl, Hungary is the coordinator of Formation Programs at Saint Vincent Archabbey and professor emeritus at Saint Vincent College. Father Sebastian will be exhibiting weavings.

Father Thomas More Sikora, O.S.B., of Avonmore, is a weaver and the assistant director of the Saint Vincent Gristmill and Gristmill General Store. Father Thomas is also director of the Monastery Artisans.

Brother Mark Floreanini, O.S.B., of Alliance, Ohio, earned a master of fine arts degree from the Savannah College of Arts and Designs, and was appointed to the Saint Vincent College faculty in 2005. Brother Mark creates stained glass windows, paints, and does various other forms of art for Monastery Artisans, including spinning wool and crocheting.

Brother Michael Antonacci, O.S.B., of Jeanette, is assistant miller at the Saint Vincent Gristmill, and a teaching assistant for the Saint Vincent College Physics. Brother Michael works in a variety of mediums including weaving, calligraphy and bookbinding.

Brother Albert Gahr,O.S.B., of Kersey, is socius of novices and a teaching assistant in the Biology Department of Saint Vincent College. Brother Albert will be exhibiting weavings and bookbinding.

Brother Isaac Haywiser, O.S.B., of Bethel Park, is assistant to the manager, Gristmill General Store; assistant, summer retreat program; and assistant director, Archabbey guests and guest facilities. His work in stained glass will be shown.