September 12, 2012

The Most Holy Name of Mary

The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary was suppressed after the liturgical revisions following Vatican II, but restored as an optional memorial to September 12th in the revised Missal.

After the most holy and adorable Name of Jesus, there is no name more glorious or more powerful than the name of Mary. At the mention of this name, the Angels rejoice and the devils tremble; through this invocation of this name, sinners obtain grace and pardon. --St. Peter Canisius

As wax melts before fire, so do the devils lose their power against those souls who remember the name of Mary and devoutly invoke it. --St. BonaventureHer Son esteems Her prayers so greatly, and is so desirous to satisfy Her, that when She prays it seems as if She rather commanded than prayed, and was rather a queen than a handmaid." --St. Peter Damian

Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica has a chapel dedicated to the names or titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Mary, Gate of Heaven

 Mary, Ark of the Covenant

Mary, Health of the Sick

Mary, Seat of Wisdom

Mary, Vessel of Honor

Mary, Vessel of Devotion