September 17, 2012

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

Today, September 17th, is the feast of Saint Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard was born in 1098, in the Rhineland of Germany. She became a Benedictine nun and served as Abbess of her community. Hildegard was a mystic who received visions from
God. Her major work, Sci Vias Domine, Know the Way of the Lord, details her many visions. Hildegard was also a gifted musician, artist, poet, cook, a "proto-pharmacist", gardener, brilliant author, master of humility, and dedicated Benedictine nun, who was on fire with the love of God. She died on September 17, 1179, at the Abbey of Bingen, near the Rhine river in Germany. She was canonized by popular acclaim not long after her death. For a thousand years, she has been honored by the Benedictines nuns and monks for her model of openness to God. Pope Benedict XVI recently made her canonization official and on October 7, 2012, will proclaim Hildegard of Bingen,the 35th Doctor of the Church, for the tremendous contribution that she made to Christianity and the importance of her message in today's world. Saint Hildegard, pray for us! Happy Feast of Saint Hildegard to all!