July 7, 2013

Novice to Profess First Vows

"If after due reflection he promises to observe everything and to obey every command given him, let him then be received into the community" (Rule of St. Benedict, Ch 58)

At Evening Prayer, on July 10, 2013, Br. Lawrence will profess the monastic vows of: Stability, Conversatio Morum  (Conversion of Manners, or, Fidelity to Monastic Life), and Obedience.

By the vow of Stability, Br. Lawrence will seek to live the monastic life in the context of a specific community (St. Vincent Archabbey), mutually supporting the community through his work and prayer.

By the vow of Conversatio Morum, Br. Lawrence promises a life of constant conversion, taking up his Cross each day, dying to self in loving service to God and others.

And by the vow of Obedience, Br. Lawrence will strive to hear and obey the Word of God through the loving discernment of the Abbot.  Such obedience is liberating and it enables the monk to cast aside any doubt and fear to completely embrace the will of the Only True Master.

For more on the Benedictine Vows: http://www.stvincentmonks.com/vows-freedom-in-communion