August 2, 2013

Fr. Jean-Luc & St. Vincent Students Attend World Youth Day!

Fr. Jean-Luc reflects on his Trip to  World Youth Day in Brazil

Fr. Jean-Luc (holding the American Flag), students from St. Vincent College and youth from Brazil celebrate at World Youth Day 

My life as a Benedictine Monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey is never dull. Our Archabbey's apostolates, the work that we do, are varied. My work in Campus Ministry with students of Saint Vincent College took me to Brazil for World Youth Day. We prayed the Stations of the Cross and attended Mass offered by our Holy Father Pope Francis. Also, we had the opportunity to meet Catholic young people from all over the world.

Benedictine monks have for centuries played an important role in the work of evangelization through founding educational institutions. Our monks are so blessed to be sharing in the New Evangelization!