August 9, 2013

Benedictine Vows (Part 3 of 3)

After a year of discerning one's vocation in the Novitiate, a Benedictine Monk Professes Three Vows: Obedience, Conversion of Life, and Stability.  I hope to offer a separate reflection on each of these vows; today we will take of the vow of "Stability" by which a monk seeks to live the monastic life in the context of a specific community, supporting the community through his work and prayer. Below is a passage taken from Thomas A. Kempis' spiritual masterpiece, The Imitation of Christ.

True Solace is to be Sought in God Alone

Devout persons always carry Jesus, their Consoler, with them, and say to Him: "Be with me, Lord Jesus, in every place and at all times, that I may have the special grace to forgo all human solace for love of You; and if Your comfort is withdrawn, let Your will and Your just trial of me be like the greatest comfort.  For He will not always rebuke, nor will He remain angry forever (Ps 103:9)