August 31, 2013

St. Benedict and Spiritual Combat (Part 2 of 3)

The Medal of St. Benedict, according to an old tradition, became widely known through the following
Medal of St. Benedict
occurrence. Bruno, who would one day become Pope Leo IX, had in his youth been bitten by a venomous reptile, in consequence of which he was seriously ill for two months. He had lost the use of speech and in a short time was reduced to a skeleton. All hopes of his recovery had been abandoned when suddenly he beheld a luminous ladder that reached to heaven from which descended a venerable old man wearing the habit of a monk. It was St. Benedict, bearing in his hand a radiant cross with which he touched the swollen face of Bruno, and instantly cured him. Then the apparition disappeared.

Pope St. Leo IX
Bruno, who had been healed in such a miraculous manner, later entered the Order of St. Benedict. He ascended the papal throne in the year 1048, under the name of Leo IX and was renowned in the Church for his sanctity, his devotion to the Holy Cross, and to St. Benedict. He was later canonized. Through this pope the Medal of St. Benedict was enriched with special blessings, and its veneration spread far and wide.

To learn more about the images on the Medal of St. Benedict: