September 13, 2013

Br. Martinho Renews his Vows

Br. Martinho was born in Peru.  After getting a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, he entered the San Bento monastery in Brazil.  Since San Bento is a priory of St. Vincent Archabbey, Br. Martinho renewed his simple vows this morning before Archabbot Douglas.  Br. Martinho's "Simple" vows will expire in one year; at that time, he will make "Solemn" vows, valid for the rest of his life.    

Br. Martinho & Archabbot Douglas

In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

I, Brother Martinho Zevallos,

promise with vows valid for one year,

before God and his saints,

in the presence of our Father in Christ, Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki,

and the monks of this monastery,

stability in this community,

conversion through a monastic way of life,

and obedience according to the Rule

of our Holy Father Benedict

and the law proper to our Congregation.

In witness whereof I have prepared this document

and signed it here at St. Vincent Archabbey

in the year of our Lord 2013, 

on the thirteenth day of September.

Br. Martinho's Vows

Br. Mark (Ast. Junior Master), Br. Martinho, Archabbot Douglas, Fr. Jeffrey (Junior Master)