September 23, 2013

Seminary Formation: Part 3 of 4

What is Seminary Formation Like?

Ever wonder what seminary is like? This short passage is taken from a book, "To Save a Thousand Souls," written by Fr. Brett Brannen. Although he wrote this book as an aid for men discerning diocesan priesthood, his chapter on Seminary is very insightful for monks preparing for the priesthood as well.

To "Look Inside" this book

Third Pillar of Priestly Formation: Intellectual Formation

“For the Salvation of their brothers and sisters, they should seek an ever deeper knowledge of the divine mysteries” (PDV #51)

Disciples are learners. The first task of intellectual formation is to acquire a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the fullness and completion of God’s revelation and the one Teacher. This saving knowledge is acquired not only once, but it is continuously appropriated and deepened.

Intellectual formation entails acquiring the scientia debita (debt of knowledge) needed for effective pastoral ministry. Thus seminary classes are very challenging. Major seminary includes rigorous academic programs on par with master’s-level programs in secular universities.

According to the PPF, intellectual formation specifically prepares seminarians to be:

  • Hearers of the Word (to know Scripture and Biblical Theology)
  • Proclaimers of the Word (Preachers)
  • Catechists (teachers)
  • Followers of Christ (to acquire a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus)
  • Faithful to the Church
  • Culturally aware (able to understand the world and diverse cultures in which the Gospel must be preached)
  • Historically aware (familiar with the two-thousand year history of the Church and of societies in general)
  • Ministers of the Sacraments
  • Promoters of Marriage and Family

To learn about the Fourth Pillar, Pastoral Formation, see our blog post on Sept. 27