September 27, 2013

Seminary Formation: Part 4 of 4

What is Seminary Formation Like?

Ever wonder what seminary is like? This short passage is taken from a book, "To Save a Thousand Souls," written by Fr. Brett Brannen. Although he wrote this book as an aid for men discerning diocesan priesthood, his chapter on Seminary is very insightful for monks preparing for the priesthood as well.

To "Look Inside" this book

Fourth Pillar of Priestly Formation: Pastoral Formation

“The whole training of the students should have as its object to make them true shepherds of souls after the example of the Lord Jesus Christ, teacher, priest, and shepherd” (PPF #238).

Priesthood is about getting people to heaven! All priestly formation culminates in pastoral skill: being able to shepherd people and help them to grow in holiness. We often say in formation work that “grace builds on nature”. Though a priest will receive the grace to be a good shepherd at his ordination, that grace calls for the priest’s personal commitment to develop the knowledge and skills to teach and preach well, to celebrate the sacraments properly and prayerfully, and to take care of people’s spiritual needs.

Pastoral formation brings together all aspects of formation. It is analogous to the graduate of medical school who finally starts to see patients during his residency. He must develop his bedside manner, learn what to look for an how to treat “real people”.

To Learn About St. Vincent Seminary: