February 26, 2014

Br. Mark explains Basilica stained glass project.

Br. Mark Floreanini - monastery artist

The ambulatory is the monastery hallway leading into the Basilica.  It is a place of silence and meditation.

Br. Mark with the new and recently completed stained glass windows in the ambulatory.  

February 23, 2014

Pope Francis Announces a Year for Consecrated Life

At the end of the year, 2013, Pope Francis announced that he would be dedicating 2015 as a year for consecrated life!

Consecrated Life (also known as "Religious Life") refers to the Monks, Nuns, Brothers, and Sisters who have "consecrated" themselves to God by their Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience (Benedictine Monks make the special Vows of Conversion of Life, Stability, and Obedience).

Those in Religious Life aim to grow in holiness through their gift of self to God and to His people.

At the end of December, Pope Francis spoke collectively to all of the Consecrated men and women in the Church, saying:

“Thank you for what you do and for your spirit of faith and your service. Thank you for your witness and also for the humiliations through which you have had to pass”.

The consecrated are those who “can awaken the world,” he said. “Consecrated life is prophecy. God asks us to fly the nest and to be sent to the frontiers of the world, avoiding the temptation to 'domesticate' them. This is the most concrete way of imitating the Lord.”

The Monks of St. Vincent Archabbey will be preparing for this yearlong celebration in a special way!

To Learn More about the Role of Religious Men and Women, watch this video!

February 16, 2014

Novices embrace Winter Olympic Spirit

It might be cold outside, but the Novices are in good spirits, finding some free time to go ice skating!

Br. Mark, Br. Matthew & Br. Ignatius

Novices Skating for a Gold Medal!

And when the Novices are not out and about having fun, they are keeping busy with their Monastic Formation Schedule:

8:30 am - Monastic History with Br. Bruno

9:30 am - Community Life with Archabbot Douglas

8:30 am - The Rule of St. Benedict with Fr. Warren (Novice Master)

9:30 am - Psalms with Br. Benedict 

8:30 am - Monastic Customs with Fr. Warren

9:30 am - Gregorian Chant with Fr. Cyprian

February 9, 2014

Happy Feast of St. Scholastica (Feb. 10), the Twin Sister of our Holy Father, St. Benedict

Statue of St. Scholastica in the Archabbey Basilica

Notice the Relic of St. Scholastica at the foot of the Statue!

This Stain glass window in the Basilica depicts the last meeting between St. Benedict and his Twin Sister.  St. Gregory tells us that it was Scholastica who had the greater Love.  To learn more about this encounter, follow this link: