February 16, 2014

Novices embrace Winter Olympic Spirit

It might be cold outside, but the Novices are in good spirits, finding some free time to go ice skating!

Br. Mark, Br. Matthew & Br. Ignatius

Novices Skating for a Gold Medal!

And when the Novices are not out and about having fun, they are keeping busy with their Monastic Formation Schedule:

8:30 am - Monastic History with Br. Bruno

9:30 am - Community Life with Archabbot Douglas

8:30 am - The Rule of St. Benedict with Fr. Warren (Novice Master)

9:30 am - Psalms with Br. Benedict 

8:30 am - Monastic Customs with Fr. Warren

9:30 am - Gregorian Chant with Fr. Cyprian