April 24, 2008

More Pics!!!

Br. Gabriel Myriam, Br. Maximilian, and Br. Jeremiah take time for a photo at St. Leopold Friary before a Holy Hour with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. What a great way to start the day off with prayer before Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist. The Brothers wish to thank our friends the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal for allowing us to pray with you and for the VIP Parking Pass!!!
Spending time with our Sister friends, The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal of the South Bronx. More on the Sisters by clicking here
The Brothers wish to express our special thanks to Br. Patrick Winbush, O.S.B. who graciously arranged for our visit. For more about the great work that the monks at Newark Abbey are doing check out these 2 links: Newark Abbey and St. Benedict's Prep

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