August 28, 2008

SVA and Rome

One of the great apostolates that a number of our monks are involved with is the Benedictine School in Rome, Sant' Anselmo (Our Fr. Edward Mazich, O.S.B. is the President of the St. Benedict Education Fund which helps Benedictines from around the world study at Sant' Anselmo and our Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B. sits on the board of incorporators and the board of directors) (here is a little more about the school from their website):
Founded in 1887 by Pope Leo XIII, students including Benedictine men and women come from all corners of the world to study at Sant' Anselmo, receiving degrees at both the baccalaureate level and the graduate level. As an educational center, Rome houses many of the pontifical schools and faculties of the church, and opportunities for students to learn in a setting at the heart of the Catholic Church. Sant' Anselmo, while an ocean away from the United States, has had a major impact on the Catholic Church, educating cardinals, archbishops and bishops, from Cardinal Paul Augustin Mayer to Archbishop Wilton Gregory to Bishop J. Peter Sartain, recently appointed as the new shepherd of the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois by Pope Benedict XVI.

The Saint Benedict Education Foundation, Inc., was formed in the United States to provide support to one of the best-kept secrets in Rome, our international Benedictine University. Sant' Anselmo continues, as it has for many years, to educate both lay and religious students ministering throughout the world in Christ's name.

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