January 26, 2009

Essential Reading

I was asked recently by one of the men considering religious life here at the Archabbey for some good reading material about Monastic Life here at St. Vincent.  I think one of the essential documents for anyone considering our way of life is the Consitutions and Directory of our Congregation (The American Cassinese Congregation founded by Archabbot Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B.)  You can read this document online by clicking here.  I will also place a link to it on one of our side panels.  I would also recommend Vita Consecrata by Pope John Paul II, the Catechism of the Catholic Churches writings on the Consecrated Life, as well as a great little book on religious life including: "Come and See" by Rev. John A. Hardon, SJ .  I would also recommend some timeless classics such as "Christ, the ideal of the monk" by Blessed Columba Marmion, OSB which can be found online by googling the title and of course the Holy Rule of St. Benedict.

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