February 5, 2009

Prayer Request

Please take a moment to pray for the young men who will be joining the monks this weekend for a"Come and See" Weekend.  This is an opportunity to for these young Catholics to learn more about Monastic life here at St. Vincent and ask the Lord if this may be the place where He may be calling them to live out their baptisimal calling more closely as Catholic Benedictine Monks.
 God of my life,
I give you thanks and praise that I have life,
and that my life is filled with touches of your love.

You have given me a heart that wants to be happy,
and You have placed in me a desire to make a difference.

Quiet the fears and distractions of my heart long enough
for me to listen to the movement of Your Spirit,
to hear your gentle invitation.

Reveal to me the choices that will make me happy.
Help me to discover my identity.

Let me understand how best to use the gifts
You have so lovingly lavished upon me
in preparation for our journey together.

And give me the courage to choose You
as You have chosen me.

Lord, let me know myself and let me know You.
In this is my happiness. 
(An Augustinian prayer for Discernment)

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