April 6, 2009

Schedule for Holy Week 2009!!!

The following is the St. Vincent Archabbey Holy Week Schedule:

Mass of the Lord’s Supper 
Holy Thursday - April 9, 2009
7:30 PM: Archabbey Basilica 
Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB presiding

Liturgical Services
Good Friday - April 10, 2009 
1:30 PM - Archabbey Basilica
Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB presiding

Tenebrae Service 
Good Friday - April 10, 2009
8:00 PM - Archabbey Basilica
Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB presiding

The Easter Vigil 
April 11, 2009
8:30 PM - Archabbey Basilica
Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB presiding

Easter Sunday Morning
April 12, 2009
7:30 AM - Archabbey Basilica
Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB presiding

"As Holy Week rapidly approaches, we remember and recall why this week is called "holy". This is the week we celebrate God’s immense love for us and our ultimate redemption from sin and death. Like our Jewish sisters and brothers, who at Passover, yearly remember their freedom from slavery in Egypt, we Christians celebrate our freedom from the worst kind of bondage, the bondage of sin and death. This week affords us the opportunity to really look at what the Father did for us through the suffering and death and resurrection of His Son. If we believe this with our hearts and minds, our only response can be immense gratitude. If we believe and are grateful, we willingly and joyfully celebrate with the Church the events of our redemption. Please make Holy Week meaningful to you. Set aside the time, especially on the days of the Sacred Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) to walk and pray with the Lord through His passion, death, and resurrection." 
(Father Donald Breier)
Father Breier is rector of St. Paul Cathedral in the diocese of Pittsburgh.  I think his words of wisdom are important to keep in mind for all Catholics especially for those discerning a vocation to the consecrated way of life.

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