September 1, 2009

Prayer Request

 Born: June 8, 1919
Professed: August 2, 1939
Ordained: June 18, 1944
Died: August 30, 2009 

Please remember in your prayers Fr. Charles Mallen, C.Ss.R., a Redemptorist priest and mentor of our Br. Gabriel Myriam, OSB.  Fr. Mallen exemplified what it means to be a religious priest of Christ. He was completely dedicated to the people of God, his devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help was truly a relationship of a son and a mother and most importantly, his life was completely dedicated to the work of preaching Redemption to all, especially in the confessional.  How appropriate that our Lord has called him home during this year of the priest.  Here is a small article written about him 5 years ago:
He jets around the retreat house grounds in his own "Popemobile," a golf cart gift from a retreatant. Just don't ask Fr. Charles Mallen, C.Ss.R., Director and founder of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice, FL to take it slowly!
A priest for 60 years, Fr. Mallen swims 30 laps a day, researches and writes all his homilies from scratch, is a major player in the Crossroads  Discernment retreat program, and hosts and preaches many events at his retreat center. He says with a laugh, "You can call me ancient, but don't call me old." Baltimore Province archivist Fr. Carl Hoegerl, C.Ss.R., seconds the thought. "He has the mind of a young person. He's so enthusiastic, wants to do as much as he can." 

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, C.Ss.R whom Fr. Mallen had a great devotion to
Fr. Mallen's schedule would tire a person half his age. He supervises the 26 room retreat center which can accommodate 52 overnight guests or 150 for day-long events.

Ordained in 1944, Fr. Mallen first served in a Latino parish in Ybar City, FL and as chaplain of the Newman Club in Tampa. Over the years, he worked in a parish in Georgia and was a pastor in Florida. He spent 29 years doing what he loves most, preaching missions that required constant travel.

In the early 1980's, Fr. Mallen was asked to take on a gargantuan project-creating Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center. In his seventies at the time, he did not shy away from the request. He raised the money needed and saw the project to its successful completion.

His colleague for more than 30 years, Sr. Carmella DeCosty, Administrator of the center, calls him the "Man with the Vision." "He commends everything to prayer. He is a man of courage and deep, deep faith, a holy man close to the Lord." Adds Vocation Office Director Fr. Phil Dabney, C.Ss.R., "Fr. Mallen gives me such hope for what a priest can become…what lies ahead for those who are truly faithful to the Lord."

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