October 5, 2009

"Come and See Weekend" October 9 - 11 and October 30 - November 1

In 1846 Archabbot Boniface Wimmer, OSB came to America with one mission...to spread the  holy Gospel of Jesus Christ through the inspiration of St. Benedict and his Holy Rule.  Today his mission continues.  If you are a strong and devout single Catholic man (age 18-40) looking to give your life completely to Jesus Christ and his Church than maybe the mission of Archabbot Boniface is something you should look into.  There is still time to register with the vocation office for the 2 upcoming "Come and See" Weekends.  Please contact Fr. Fred, OSB at (724) 532-6655 or via his e-mail: fred.byrne@email.stvincent.edu  

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