July 1, 2010

Prayer Request

Please pray for our incoming novices: Mr. Joshua Morgan, Mr. Daniel McMullen, Mr. Joshua Zimmerman, Mr. Jefferey Wright, and Fr. Richard Loch who begin their 9 day postulancy retreat today before they recieve the holy habit on July 9th.  Please also remember our present novice class: Br. Romuald, Br. Matthew, Br. Michael, and Br. Isaac as they prepare to profess first vows on July 9th during 5 PM Solemn Vepers in the Archabbey Basilica (All are welcome to attend).  Our current junior monks will also renew their vows during the ceremony giving us 13 junior monks and 5 novices for the upcoming year...indeed the Lord is good.  May our Holy Father St. Benedict and Our Lady continue to intercede for these men a they strive to do the will of God in their lives.

Some of our young monks and incoming Novices pose for a picture last year in Fr. Sebastian's garden.

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