July 5, 2012

4 Novices to Profess first Vows

Br. Basil, Br. Rafael, Br. Theophilus & Br. Miguel
"Let easy admission not be given to one who newly comes to change his life; but as the Apostle said, 'Try the spirits, whether they be of God' (1 Jn 4:1).  If, therefore, the newcomer keeps on knocking, and after four or five days it is seen that he patiently bears the harsh treatment offered him and the difficulty of admission, and that he perseveres in his request, let admission be granted him." (From the Holy Rule of St. Benedict-Ch 58)

On July 10, after living the monastic way of life for one year, studying the Holy Rule of St. Benedict and learning the Psalter, four men will profess the Benedictine Vows of Stability, Obedience and Conversion of Life.

By the Vow of Stability they will commit their lives to one specific monastery - St. Vincent.  By the Vow of Obedience they will place themselves under the leadership of the Abbot, and by the Vow of Conversion of Life they will bind themselves to the observance of all the specific disciplines of monastic life such as celibacy and poverty.

Congratulations Brothers!
"Sustain me oh Lord as you have promised that I may live and disappoint me not in my hope"
Psalm 119

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