September 1, 2012

New Seminarians Begin Semester

Monks and Seminarians returned to class this week with the beginning of the fall semester.  The new Saint Vincent Seminarians concluded orientation with a group photo in front of the Seminary residence. Eighteen new men join the seminary community from various diocese and abbeys, among them are Brothers Rafael Quesada O.S.B., Miguel Gonzรกlez O.S.B. , Basil Alexander O.S.B. of Saint Vincent Archabbey, Brother Martinho Zevallos O.S.B. of Mosterio de Sao Bento in Sao Bento in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brothers Thomas Sanders O.S.B. and Louis Carey O.S.B. of Saint Andrew’s Abbey in Cleveland, Ohio.

Please continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life!

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