November 7, 2012

PreTheologians Pray for Hurricane Victims

Last week, with death tolls reaching 109 and millions without power, Fr. Nathan Munch O.S.B. and students of his ecclesial Latin class, took time  to pray at various locations in Westmorland county, PA; for the victims and those displaced by  hurricane Sandy.

Compassionate Lord, we pray for those 
Who have been devastated by recent natural disasters. 
We remember those who lost their lives. 
Have mercy on their souls. 
We hold in our hearts 
Families whose homes have been lost. 
Bring them consolation. 
Move us to offer aid and support 
To help rebuild houses and lives, 
Especially for those in poverty, 
In the U.S., in Haiti, and 
Through the Caribbean. 
Keep our hearts open to the development needs of all. 

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