April 2, 2013

Easter Monday

Celebrate the “Emmaus Walk” tradition and Carry the joy of the Resurrection wherever your feet take you today. Visit someone and share a meal.

Emmaus WalkEaster Monday was considered a holiday — a day of relaxation, rest, and special festivities. One particular custom was a long-held event in Europe. It was called the Emmaus Walk. Families and groups of friends and relatives would go on foot to nearby fields, forests, or mountains for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Following a picnic lunch, they would spend the afternoon playing games, dancing, singing, and conversing. 
The "Emmaus Walk", derives its name from the gospel passage for the day, which recounts the meeting of the disciples with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. This tradition continues for the Monks at Saint Vincent. Prior to Vatican II, Easter Monday was a day the lay brothers would get an extra "Hemina".
In Germany, the young children would play games specific to Easter and would also enjoy performing some of the ancient folk dances of their ancestors. Most of the time, these German events were celebrated in a field called Osteranger which means, “Easter field.” In Poland, their outings on Easter Monday were large picnic celebrations that often included the whole town. They gathered in the “Emmaus” grove. 

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