May 29, 2013

Spring at the Archabbey

The Spring at Saint Vincent brings with it a time of completion as the academic semester ends, and a time of renewal as the summer begins. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the Benedictine monks at Saint Vincent remain prayerfully occupied with the work of the Lord.

Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday is a movable feast, celebrating the Most Holy Trinity,  the Christian belief that God is Three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and yet One God. 

Ordination to the Priesthood

On Saturday, May 25, 2013, Father Jeremiah Lange, O.S.B., a monk of Saint Vincent 
Archabbey, was ordained to the priesthood by Most Rev. Lawrence E. Brandt, J.C.D., Ph.D., 
Bishop of Greensburg. Also concelebrating was Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B.


Pentecost Sunday May 19, marks the end of the Easter season in the Church calender celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Pentecost falls 50 days after Easter.

The  Ascension

The  Ascension, a Holy Day of Obligation, celebrates the day that Christ, in the presence of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven. The Ascension occurred on the 40th day of Easter, so it falls on a Thursday, and thus is often called Ascension Thursday

Seminary Commencement 2013

Saint Vincent Seminary Awarded 20 degrees at its May 10 commencement, including an honorary doctorate to Rev. Joseph Mele, rector of Saint Paul Seminary, Pittsburgh, and a former faculty member of Saint Vincent Seminary. Four students received dual degrees. In addition to monks and lay persons from the dioceses of Greensburg and Pittsburgh, they are from the Archdiocese of Atlanta, the dioceses of Harrisburg, Charleston, Covingotn, Erie and Wheeling-Charleston; Conception Abbey in Missouri and Monastery of Christ in the Desert, New Mexico. 

Pictured are front, from left: Very Rev. Joseph Mele, Ph.D., D.D., rector of Saint Paul Seminary, Pittsburgh, and former faculty member of Saint Vincent Seminary, who received an honorary doctor of divinity degree; Rev. John Mary Tompkins, O.S.B., vice rector of Saint Vincent Seminary; Very Rev. Timothy F. Whalen, rector of Saint Vincent Seminary; Rev. Patrick Cronauer, O.S.B., academic dean; second row, from left, Bridgette Ann Trunzo of Latrobe, master of arts degree, with high honors; Matthew R. Larlick, Diocese of Harrisburg, master of divinity degree; Br. Paulavang Vuong, O.S.B., master of divinity degree; David M. Renne of the Diocese of Erie, master of divinity and the master of arts degrees, both with honors, and recipient of the Diakonia Award and the Omer U. Kline, O.S.B., Homiletics Award; third row, from left, Stephen Kelley, Diocese of Harrisburg, master of divinity degree and the bachelor of sacred theology certificate, both with highest honors; Jacob Straub, Diocese of Covington, master of divinity degree and the bachelor of sacred theology certificate, both with honors; Michael Norton, Diocese of Covington, master of divinity degree; Feiser Muñoz, Archdiocese of Atlanta, master of divinity degree; Cong Nguyen, Archdiocese of Atlanta, master of divinity degree; fourth row, from left, Michael Kirk, Clemson, S.C., master of arts degree, with high honors; Ryan Stichweh, Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, master of divinity degree, with honors; Brother Jeremiah Lange, O.S.B., Saint Vincent Archabbey, master of divinity degree with high honors, and the Honorable Judge Bernard F. Scherer Award; Br. Paul Sheller, O.S.B., Conception Abbey, master of divinity and master of arts degrees, both with highest honors, and the Sacred Scripture Award. 

Ordination to the Diaconate

Brother Michael Antonacci, O.S.B., and Brother John Paul Heiser, O.S.B., were ordained to the diaconate on April 27, 2013 by Most Rev. Lawrence E. Brandt, J.C.D., Ph.D., Bishop of Greensburg, in Saint Vincent Archabbey 

Year of Faith Lecture Series

His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze gave a series of lectures at Saint Vincent Archabbey, Seminary, and College on April 17 and 18, 2013, and also celebrated Mass with Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B., and members of the Saint Vincent Community, where relics of Blessed Pope John Paul II and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha available for veneration. The lectures were part of the Archabbey Year of Faith Lecture Series and the topic was Vatican II. 

Mass of Thanksgiving in memory of 
Blessed Pope John Paul II

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow, who served as the personal secretary to the late Blessed John Paul II through his 27 years as pope, offered Mass at Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica on April 12. Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B., members of the Benedictine community and students of Saint Vincent Seminary and College, as well as members of the Basilica Parish, took part in the Mass. The cardinal presented Saint Vincent with relics from Blessed John Paul II during the Mass. 

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