July 26, 2013

Fr. Killian's Reflections on Vocations & World Youth Day

St. Vincent College Campus Ministers, Fr. Killian and Fr Jean-Luc, lead students on a pilgrimage to Brazil for World Youth Day!


On Wednesday evening the United States Bishops hosted a conversation on vocations for the Pilgrims from the U.S.A.  I attended the session with Fr. Jean-Luc and our group of students from St. Vincent College.  

The first part of the evening was Contemporary Catholic music with various vocation witnesses. Each speaker represented a different kind of vocation but each had the same message and advice: Be open to a call from God, pray to have the grace to hear and answer the call, and surround yourself with friends who are people of faith, people who will pray for you and       encourage you.

One of the speakers made a Biblical reference to Samuel, who would awake at night when he heard God calling him, although he was not yet familiar with the voice of the Lord.  It was Eli who helped him realize that it wasn't merely a dream but a true call from God.  The youth were encouraged to seek Eli's in their lives who will help them discern if God's call is just a dream or a true call from God. Bishop Edward Burns of Juneau, Alaska then led us in a holy hour of Eucharistic Adoration to pray for vocations.

I am thankful for those in my life who were there to pray for me throughout my time of discernment of religious life, in particular to the several Eli's who helped me realize that my call to Benedictine life was not merely a dream, but God's desire for me.

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