July 20, 2013

Service and celebration in Brazil

     Fr. Killian Loch, O.S.B., Campus Minister of        St. Vincent College 

St Vincent Archabbey has a priory in Vinhedo, Brazil.  Through the various ministries of the monks there connections have been made over the years with local religious communities.  One such association is with the Missionaries of Christ who serve the poor throughout Brazil.  Not far from Vinhedo is the city of Jundiai where these sisters have 2 schools to serve the poor, especially those who live in the favellos.  It is my privilege as Campus Minister at our college to take a group of students each year to work with the sisters.  We work in the schools, visit the favellos and also help in a recently founded ministry to care for homeless and sick elderly.  It is an experience that helps me keep in mind the vision of Fr Boniface Wimmer who saw Benedictines as being the beast equipped for missionary work. Grounded in community prayer and life I am strengthened to go out and see Christ in those in need.  Not only that but I also have the opportunity to share this prayer and mission ministry with our students.

This year our trip had an additional element because we are also in Brazil for World Youth Day.  In addition to our work in Jundiai we are taking part in several diocesan celebrations to prepare us for our trip to Rio de Janiero.  We are meeting young people from throughout the world who are also doing service in Jundiai in preparation for Rio. What a privilege to be a Benedictine and share in these treasured moments.

Father Killian Loch, O. S. B.

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