August 12, 2013


On August 12, the Junior Monks will begin a week long Retreat on Chestnut Ridge.

Monastery Ridge House
Beginning in the mid 19th century, our founder, Archabbot Boniface Wimmer, utilized timber from monastery property on Chestnut Ridge in order to construct buildings on St.Vincent Campus. Similarly, in the 20th century, the monks continued to use the Ridge grounds; however, this time it was utilized more for the purposes of
Ridge Barn
farming.  Today, although it still functions as farm land, the natural peace and silence of the Ridge is used most effectively as a place of retreat where monks
Ridge Chapel
 simultaneously find time for prayer, leisure, and fraternity.        

More Photos of the Ridge:

Ridge Chapel
Chapel, Chapel Entrance & Chapel Ambulatory (i.e. Walkway)
Chapel Altar, Choir Stalls & Monk at Prayer

Ridge Scenery

Hike in the Woods, Fishing Pond & Apple Orchard

Blue Berry Bushes & Camp Fire
Br. Canice at Swimming Pond & Ridge Hermitage 

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