September 7, 2013

Monks in Seminary

Ever wonder what seminary is like? This passage is taken from a book, "To Save a Thousand Souls," written by Fr. Brett Brannen. Although he wrote
this book as an aid for men discerning diocesan priesthood, his chapter on Seminary is very insightful for monks preparing for the priesthood as well.

To "Look Inside" this book:

To Save a Thousand Souls: Seminary

"Seminaries are very much like specialized universities such as medical schools or law schools. They exist to train men to do a specialized work which requires not only academic knowledge, but also the development of the skills to do their work: to bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus. But priesthood (just like the Religious Life of a Monk) is not just a job; it is a life. Seminarians must be formed not just to do something but to be someone – someone very extraordinary. Seminarians must be formed to be an alter Christus – another Christ."

"It is true that Catholic seminary is a place of deep prayer, and that necessitates a certain amount of silence, but it is also true that seminaries are places of great joy and excitement. Seminarians study hard, they pray hard, they serve other people, and teach them about Jesus. And they have fun. Laughter rings in the halls of our seminaries because the men are joyful. They are excited to be following Jesus and excited that they might be called to become priests."

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