June 1, 2014

Yo Yo Ma & St. Vincent Monks

After his wonderful performance in the Archabbey Basilica, Yo Yo Ma invited the monks of Saint Vincent to join him in singing the Benedictine Ulitma.  The Ultima is a traditional hymn that has been sung by monks for centuries.  A song which request's the Blessed Mother's intercession for a happy death, the Ultima is sung by monks on Festive occasions, at the end of each day after Night Prayer, and at the conclusion of a funeral.    

To watch Yo Yo Ma accompany the Ultima, watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7ovccAA6hE

At Saint Vincent, the text is sung in three languages Latin, German and English:
Ultima in mortis hora,
Filium pro nobis ora,
Bonam mortem impetra,
Virgo, Mater, Domina. 

Wenn wir mit dem Tode ringen,
Wollst, Maria, uns beispringen,
Dass wir selig scheiden hin,
Jungfrau, Mutter, Königin. 

When death's hour is then upon us,
To your Son pray that he grant us,
Death, both holy and serene,
Virgin Mary, Mother, Queen.

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