July 13, 2009

First Profession of and Reneal of Vows 2009

The procession into the Church
Father Archabbot prepares to begin Vespers 
(L-R) Br. Pio, Br. Albert, Br. John Paul, Br. Isidore, and Father Jean-Luc declare their intention to profess vows to God and His Church at St. Vincent Archabbey
A packed Church applauds the Brothers for their "Yes" to God 
Br. Mark, O.S.B. served as cantor and did a wonderful job leading the fathful in prayer 
Father Sebastian, O.S.B. (our Novice Master for 20 years) gives the homily to his last class of novices. May God bless him for his outstanding work!
Br. John Paul, OSB professed his first vows of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Life

Br. Isidore, OSB professed his first vows of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Life
Br. Albert, OSB professed his first vows of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Life
Father Jean-Luc, OSB professed his first vows of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Life

Br. Pio, OSB professed his first vows of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Life
Father Archabbot prays over the Brothers after the chanting of the Suscipe

Our Junior Monks renew their vows before Father Archabbot and the Monks of Saint Vincent Archabbey
(L-R) Br. Jeremiah, OSB, Br. Michael, OSB, and Br. Gabriel Myriam, OSB prepare to renew their monastic vows

The newly professed Brothers, now invested in the Monastic Scapular and Cowl receive the sign of peace along with the Brothers who renewed their vows (Br. Maximilian, OSB, Br. Jeremiah, OSB, Br Michael, OSB, and Br. Gabriel Myriam, OSB)

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