July 13, 2009

Solemn Vows Pictures 2008-09

This past weekend, 2 of our brothers (Br. Nathanael, O.S.B. and Br. Elijah Joseph, O.S.B.) professed Solemn Vows before Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B. and the monks of Saint Vincent Archabbey.  It was a beautiful and graced filled day and a glorious celebration of the Holy Eucharist as our brothers gave their lives to Christ and His Church for life.  Please pray for all our Brotehrs in formationa dn for all young men considering our way of life.  Saint Benedict and Mary Mother of Monks...pray for us!!!
Father Jean-Luc, O.S.B. served ascantor for the Solemn Vows Mass
Procession into the Church (our 4 new Novices)
Br. Elijah Joseph, O.S.B. (front) and Br. Nathanael, O.S.B. process into the Church with their Solemn Vow formula's 
Father Archabbot makes his way to the altar
Father Archabbot incenses the altar with the assistance of the Rev. Br. Bonaventure, O.S.B.

Br. John Paul, O.S.B. beautifully read the readings

Rev. Br. Bonaventure, O.S.B. proclaims the Holy Gospel 
Br. Elijah Joseph, O.S.B. and Br. Nathanael, O.S.B. stand before the Archabbot
The Brothers prostrate during the Litany of the Saints asking all holy Men and Women to intercede for us to our Lord in Heaven
 Br. Nathanael, O.S.B. professes his vows 
Br. Elijah Joseph, O.S.B. professes his vows
The Brothers kneel with their arms making the Sign of the Cross during the chanting of the Suscipe ("Sustain me Lord as you have promised that I may live, and dissapoint me not in my hope")
Fater Archabbot prays over the Brothers that the Lord may sustain them in their commitment to the Monastic way of life
Father Archabbot extends the traditional Bemedictine Pax (the sign of peace) to the newly professed Brothers
The conferes congratulate the Brothers
Father Archabbot thanks the families of Br. Nathanael and Br. Elijah Joseph for the gift of their sons
The newly professed Brothers are all smiles after the Holy Mass with Father Archabbot

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