September 15, 2014

10 Hallmarks of Benedictine Education (Part 8)

At Saint Vincent Archabbey many of our monks are involved in our College Apostolate. Some serve as Professors in departments such as Theology, Philosophy, Mathematics, English, Science or Business, while others work in the Library or Campus Ministry. Needless to say, our Benedictine Heritage influences the way that we educate our students as a WHOLE human person, Body, Mind, and Soul.

Thus, this series of posts will focus on the 10 Hallmarks of a Benedictine Education. 

8. Stewardship: respect for the beauty and goodness of creation as a sacrament of God

At its core the Rule seeks to foster a fundamental reverence toward the creation that God has
made. Benedict exhorts his followers to regard all the tools and goods of the monastery as the
sacred vessels of the altar (RB 31.10). Benedictine monastics do not simply use up what has been
given to them, nor do they aim at poverty. Instead, they prize good stewardship, the wise and
moderate use of material things for the good of all, both present and future. This appreciation of
the good use of material things leads to a sacramental stance toward all creation and the
cultivation of beauty as modes of experiencing the presence of God.

(Click "Read More" to continue reading this post)

In Benedictine educational institutions we seek to foster awareness that we are part of a larger
ecology and that the environment - human as well as non-human - has been given by God for the
sake of all. We seek to understand the essential interdependence of human community and the
natural environment, encouraging the sustainable use of resources and just distribution of the fruits
of human labor.

Benedictine colleges and universities also strive to promote the study and practice of the arts,
aware of their capacity to bring all to a deeper recognition of the nature of our existence. We seek
to promote awareness of contributions - past and present - to the vitality of culture, as well as to the
well-being of society and the earth itself. For the sake of future generations we seek to be good

stewards of the memory and practice of human creativity and generosity.

for more on the Eighth  Benedictine Value: 

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