September 23, 2014

10 Hallmarks of Benedictine Education (Part 9)

At Saint Vincent Archabbey many of our monks are involved in our College Apostolate. Some serve as Professors in departments such as Theology, Philosophy, Mathematics, English, Science or Business, while others work in the Library or Campus Ministry. Needless to say, our Benedictine Heritage influences the way that we educate our students as a WHOLE human person, Body, Mind, and Soul.

Thus, this series of posts will focus on the 10 Hallmarks of a Benedictine Education. 

9. Hospitality: call to openness

The practice of listening and humility in a Benedictine monastery enables a generous hospitality to friends and strangers. Benedict urges that the weaknesses of all should be supported with the greatest patience (RB 72.5). Particular attention is to be given to those who are weak, poor or 
marginalized because, as Benedict says of the guest, Christ is found especially in them. Every
attempt is to be made to extend a gracious and respectful welcome to these persons as the sisters
and brothers they truly are.

(Click "Read More" to continue reading this post)

Hospitality, as understood by Benedict, requires cultivating an openness to being transformed by

the other - be it an idea, a person or an experience. Within Benedictine educational institutions, we
attempt to cultivate skills for openly and wisely engaging new ideas and perspectives. We strive to
foster intercultural awareness and respectful communication between all members of the
educational community, seeking to cultivate ways within the curriculum and outside of it to
recognize the gifts and talents possessed by persons of various races, cultures, backgrounds and
dispositions. New faculty, staff and students should be so welcomed by the campus community
that they can, in turn, can become eager to welcome others. And special care should be taken to design programs and configure the physical plant to serve persons with special needs.

for more on the Ninth Benedictine Value: 

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