+ Contact the Vocation Office to learn more about life as a monk at St. Vincent Archabbey 724.532.6655 +

February 25, 2008

"Into Great Silence"

Check out this great Movie about the Carthusian Monks of La Grande Chartreuse. A must see for anyone discerning a monastic vocation.

Click here for a link on how to purchase the film

Great article on Br. Elijah's "The Way of the Cross"

Check out this great article about Br. Elijah's "Way of the Cross" performance. More information on the show in the blog under the labels section. (Click on article to Read)

Monks taking a stand!!!

Benedictine Father Shawn Matthew Anderson, O.S.B. and The Kings Men take a stand against pornography (Click on article to read more)

Pax et Gaudium

O.S.B. Vocation Awareness

O.S.B. Vocation Awareness