Here is some advice for guys who may be at the level of calling and visiting religious orders or diocesan discernment programs:
(The Importance of Daily Prayer)

2) Daily personal prayer - Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Holy Rosary, and the Liturgy of the Hours (If you are busy, try praying at least morning and evening prayer). It is also highly recommended that you try to take 15-20 minutes a day a prayerfully read the Scriptures (Lectio Divina) which is a staple of the Monastic Benedictine Life.
3) Spiritual Direction - (Spiritual direction is a "gathering together" of two in the name of Jesus, the spiritual director and the directee, to help a person to develop a closer relationship with God and to better discern how the Holy Spirit is leading in their life.) For someone discerning the call seriously it is important to meet with your director (either a trusted priest or religious) once a month.
4) The Sacrament of Reconciliation - Again, I recommend monthly taking advantage of the Sacrament.
(Get Involved)
If you are not so already, get involved in your local parish (I'm sure the local priest would love your help). Also, take advantage of groups like the Knights of Columbus who are a wonderful group of Catholic men who practice all sorts of great community
(No Dating)

Finally, the importance of being free from addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, and PORNOGRAPHY!!! As you may already know, any addiction, especially pornography will make it extremely hard for you offer the Lord a free and complete "YES" to the divine call. This is not to say that religious orders and diocese are only looking for saints, that's not the case at all. All people, are bound to have the occasional slip-up and sin, yet we rely on the Mercy of God and the Sacrament of Reconciliation which allows us to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and continue on the straight and narrow path which leads to Heaven!!!
1 comment:
Fr. Fred,
You've got a good weblog going. Right now I am reading Jermome Oetgen's book on St. Vincent and thoroughly enjoying it.
I wanted to comment on one of you points perhaps to help others vicariously through my own idiocy. To those young men considering religious life, added prayer and all that good stuff is a slow but easy ascent compared to Fr. Fred's last point (i.e. NO DATING).
A huge pain in your side will be to say, 'forget some of this, I want to date Suzie and figure this out as I go.' I've been there and done that while discerning. Don't do it!!! My Suzie is still a great friend of mine, but that's because we both realized how much we love each other as Christians that it's just not worth trying any more until a true YES can be given. Sitting many times in 2003 at Elijah's basin (the site of Elihah hearing the "still small voice" on Mt. Sinai), I can tell and will tell any man to wait it out for God's glory. This is a HARD teaching. Any way, I wanted to share this so that perhaps some man might just read it and wonder how much turmoil such a decision might bring.
I look forward to visiting you over the weekend of the 4th of July and hopefully we'll get a few minutes to chat. I think I can say that I see myself getting clothed as a novice with the group entering a little over a year from now, God Willing.
Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum,
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