Archabbot Egbert was born on January 15, 1913 and later
entered the Order of Saint Benedict on July 2, 1934. After his ordination to
the priesthood on June 16, 1941, he served in the Saint Vincent Prep School for
many years, as Dean in the College, and four years in our campus ministry
apostolate at Penn State. He then served as Prior of the monastery and
principal at our Priory in Savannah before being blessed with the Office of
Archabbot. He was a decisive and warm archabbot who had a firm but gentle
leadership. None can forget his malapropisms that kept us smiling. Because of
poor health, Archabbot Egbert resigned his office. He continued to live with the
community for almost twenty years until his death on September 17, 1998. In his
later years, Archabbot Egbert tried to develop some computer skills which is so
characteristic of our dear Father in Christ. He was always ready for a new adventure;
indeed he fulfilled his own motto, “We Must Act Now.”